Girl Stuff 8-12

Girl Stuff 8-12 by Kaz Cooke is the fun, friendly antidote to the nasty, hard-sell, negative and sexualised messages that bombard girls. It’s fun and friendly, especially written for this age group with practical advice backed by experts and cartoons on a diverse range of girls. It’s a book for girls with their best interests at heart. Many girls now see the first changes of puberty as young as 8 or 9 years old and feel freaked out about whether they’re normal and what they need to know.

Girl Stuff 8–12 is packed with trustworthy and positive info on body changes, friends and bullies, healthy attitudes to eating & exercise, moods & feelings, family, phones & social media. Plus: curated lists of great books, movies, TV shows and heroines for the 8 to 12's and pages designed to prompt dreaming & doodling.

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